o.k. this post is mainly for my mom since she likes to hear the girls' weights and stuff. They had their 9 month visit today and Grace weighed 16 lb 15 ounces and Lydia was 16 lbs 12 ounces. They both are 27 inches which means that they can still be in their little bucket car seats. . yea! It's actually funny b/c I always made fun of my downtown clinic patients for leaving their kids in the infant carrier carseats until their legs were dangling over the sides. . . we are now those people. Both the girls are sick with a croup like thing. Lydia more than Grace. I actually called the pediatrician for a prescription for Lydia yesterday. Our first sick call. They both screamed and fussed pretty much the whole visit--especially with the finger stick to check their iron. Hopefully they'll be a little happier next time.
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