I wish I had a personal scribe that just followed me around and when the Grace or Lydia spout out some 3 year old wisdom I'd say 'oh, that was funny, please write that down' so I could have a record of these things to laugh about for years to come. (He could also work on my ever multiplying to do list but that is another subject altogether. ) Alas, I do not have a scribe so an occasional blog posting with the latest preschool logic is the next best thing.

A couple of examples:

The girls think that the word 'died' means that you went into a body of water without your water wings on. It all started when Lydia decided to try swimming without any water wings and without any adult supervision. I turned around and Grace was looking down into the water at something and low and behold it was Lydia, submerged but struggling valiantly in the shallow end of the hotel pool. I quickly scooped her out and once the trauma of the whole thing died down we had a long talk about the pool and water wings. I guess we must have said that she could have died from entering the pool without wings and that's where it started.  We have since done some supervised non-water wing swim times to work on their swimming. Lydia will occasionally hold her breath, go under and then pop up sputtering "I died!" with a big smile on her face and quite proud of her feat. The dying thing came up again when we were reading the lion king and the dad lion dies. I was trying to explain it and they said, "he died? did he go into the pool without his water wings on?'

The other day in the grocery store we were going down the toilet paper aisle and Lydia loudly exclaimed while pointing to the Charmin brand "Look mom, toilet paper for bears!" We then had to have a long conversation about whether or not bears used toilet paper and generated a long list of who does or doesn't use toilet paper.

They have a weird thing about hair. If I tell them we are going to be meeting someone new or have a new babysitter, the first thing they say usually is 'does he/she have hair?' They are very concerned about it.

They routinely use the terms lasterday and lastertime to refer to previous events.

Instead of today they say 'on this day'. "Are we going to preschool on this day?"

Grace told me recently "When I grow bigger and become a mommy I am going to be able to hold Ben"

Love these little quirky things that a 3 year old thinks up. There will definitely be more to come.