Lydia made her debut as the baby Jesus this past Sunday. It was sort of a last minute decision. My sister Amy was Mary in the Christmas play at my family's church and she volunteered one of the twins to be the real live baby Jesus! I dressed both girls in white onesies under their outfits so that whichever one was more "baby Jesus like" at the start of the play would be cast as Jesus. Lydia beat out Grace by a narrow margin and did a fabulous job. It was hilarious. She had shepherds and wisemen bowing down to worship her. what an ego boost for her. She even laid in the manger for part of the play. She hammed it up and waved her arms about in a very Christ like way and waited to poop up her back until later in the day. We put Grace in the manger for a minute for pictures and you can see why Lydia made the cut and not baby Grace :). The last picture of is of cousin Charlie (6 months) squashed in the manger with the twins.