So, last night I did something I haven't done in months--I slept on my stomach! Sounds like no big deal, right? To me though it's a milestone in my recovery from pregnancy. Every day I realize little things that I am able to do again now that I am closer to a normal size. I can't believe the reductions in trips to the bathroom--and walking without a waddle really is a perk. I never thought I'd say this, but sometimes I do miss being pregnant. I don't miss the aches, pains and awkwardness that came with carrying a 35 lb medicine ball around, but what I do miss is being a little threesome with the twins. It was kind of fun to have them around all of the time and now that they are out in the real world , mom and twin cuddle time doesn't happen nearly enough with all the daily demands of raising newborn twins.
When Your Centerpiece is Made of Play Doh and the Dog Has Eaten Your
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6 years ago
October 15, 2008 at 9:34 PM
I loved when I could sleep on my stomach too! Congrats!!