Tonight after my shift I snuck into the girls room and just looked at them and listened to them breathe (after I made sure they were breathing). Usually I don't go into their room when I get home at crazy hours (the time of this post is nearly 5am) but driving home from my ER shift tonight I was thinking about how thankful I am that they are healthy. It sounds very cliche I guess, but that has been my theme lately, especially after 10 hours with sick kids. I'm happy for health.
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6 years ago
January 11, 2009 at 8:44 AM
Not crazy at all! I check on Norah in the middle of scary movies. I know what you mean and I don't work with sick kids. I'm glad they are healthy too. I can remember wanting to check on Norah alot when she was under 6 months to make sure she was breathing.