we have twin dogs and twin kids. o.k. so our dogs only look like twins, but we are pretty comical walking down the street with matching babies and dogs. Anyhow, with two dogs it is pretty hard to avoid interaction between the kid and the dogs. Right now the dogs go after the kids--and when I say "go after" I mean they try to lick their faces, hands, clothes (there is usually baby food to be had), etc. Widget and Bocce are very friendly and are actually very good with the babies. The dogs get that Grace and Lydia are little humans and they will lay down next to the twins and roll over as if the girls will just start petting them or something. We try to stop the french kissing between dogs and babies but as you can see from the pics we can't always prevent it and in this instance decided it would be funny to capture the moment. I am reassured though that in my 3 years of residency I haven't had a kid in the hospital with illness from being licked by a dog. Kids get lots of junk from daycares, but dogs--no. If you screen through the pictures you can see Lydia being knocked backwards by bocce--and loving it! Just another little glimpse into our lives. Now you'll never kiss our girls again :)
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