Grace came off of CPAP later on the same day that Lydia came off of it. Both are breathing great in room air. They have been going slowly with their feeds which is typical for premies. Lydia looks like she will be our 'spitter-upper' as she is taking the longest to progress on feeds. They both tried their first bottles yesterday and they didn't know quite what to do with it but they have time to work on it. Grace loves her pacifier so hopefully a bottle won't be far behind for her. They have been advancing their feeds a little every day and tomorrow they will hopefully have their IVs taken out because they will not need their IV nutrition anymore. They tried them both in an 'open crib' which means that they turned off the warmer and dressed/bundled them in the real world to see if they could maintain their own temperature. Grace is still our little bundled burrito but Lydia went back under the warmer after about 12 hours. Again, normal premie stuff. Ryan's 30th birthday was yesterday and he spent it holding the girls and hanging out with visitors (Sarah, Carol, Mas, Wendy and Jay). The girls' nurse made Ryan a card from the girls complete with a picture of each one of them.
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