Despite the fact that we could have arranged to vote absentee or even to vote early when things were calm in the Battles household we decided to wait until the last minute to exercise our right to vote--6:30 pm on election day. I had heard horror stories about the lines and I'll be honest-- I had a low threshold for saying "well, we tried" and walking away (like the toy story dinosaur when he is about to cross the busy street--sarah I know you're laughing at that image if you're reading this). Our two hour breaks between feeds are precious! Luckily there wasn't a line and we walked right in a caused a ruckus with the twins since the election centers are staffed mainly by matronly ladies. They were all a twitter about the girls and quickly offered to watch them which we politely declined :). After voting we collected our 'we voted' goodies which were free doughnuts at krispy kreme and free coffee at starbucks. It's always fun to think back to what we were doing the last election day and how different our lives have become since then. At the next election when they are four they'll have fun looking back at the pictures of when they were babies and did the responsible thing and voted--kind of :). [ Top to bottom: Ryan and I with our post voting goodies; Lydia looking very proud of her sticker; Grace bored with the process; The twins together with grace on the right]
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6 years ago
November 6, 2008 at 11:22 PM
Did you vote for Nader? C'mon... I know you did...
November 10, 2008 at 5:40 PM
What cuties! I voted at home.