People often ask how the dogs and babies are getting along so I thought I'd show some pictures of their interactions:). O.K., so these are pictures of the forced interactions between the babies and the dogs. Bocce and Widget are actually doing well with the babies. Bocce was curious at first but now the babies aren't that exciting to her. Every once in awhile the dogs will get in a good lick to the girls heads or faces if we aren't paying attention, but it's always cursory and I think the real motivation is the constant crusting of milk around the babies' mouths that draws the dogs to taste them. Kind of like when they lick the crumbs off of the kitchen floor. Some people warned us that our dogs were going to fall several rungs down the ladder of significance in our lives but I don't think things have changed that much. If anything their lives are better because they're out of the crate all day now and every once in awhile one of the twins might just spit up on the floor where the dogs can reach it :)--hey, any kind of clean up help is appreciated. We even hired a dog trainer to help us with the dogs--more on that in another entry. Well, it's 7am which means feeding time and now that I've finished my morning pumping and blogging-- simultaneously I might add-- I can start my day (whatever happened to just getting up and getting in the shower?). By the way that's Lydia and Widget in the pictures. No babies or dogs were hurt in the making of these pictures :)