This week was my first official week back after maternity leave. So far there haven't been any tears or breakdowns, but that could be because I worked only 2 half and 2 full days and I'm home with the girls today :) It could also be attributed to the fact that I'm leaving them in the capable hands of their dad. The rotation I am currently on is very laid back and enjoyable (I'm working in a suburban general pediatricians office 5 minutes from our house). I think getting out and going to work makes me soak up the time at home with the girls even more. I'm sure more emotionally distraught posts will follow once I am on more difficult months so I'll save it until then. On a more practical note, the girls had their 2 month visit which included shots and we all survived. They are growing wonderfully! I included a couple of recent pictures: Lydia having an "Aha" moment and Ryan holding Grace :).
When Your Centerpiece is Made of Play Doh and the Dog Has Eaten Your
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6 years ago
November 22, 2008 at 3:43 PM
Speaking of shots, have they gotten their Synagis shots yet?